Tuesday 28 June 2011

Stage Two

With stage one in full cycle, time to add two more tanks. The total volume of water is approx 600lts with just under 400lts of grow bed area so I still have the opportunity to add more grow beds.
I have connected all three tanks with PVC piping (with crossed wires to stop animal migration) and placed the single pump in the middle that feeds all six grow beds.

I have placed a few yabbies in tank 1 (which I had in pond, now dismantled), and in the warmer spring months will purchase silver perch fingerlings for tank 2. I 'll keep the comets in tank 3 until I have silver perch at two different growth rates, and also as a back up so the system doesn't crash when I harvest the fish and yabbies. Acclimatising the silver perch fingerlings is best done in warmer months - I have no intention of heating the water - I'll get about 12 per tank and six months later buy more to replace the comets. The aquarium shop has offered to buy them back, particularly if they have grown but I've also seen on YouTube Silver perch and goldfish co-existing so will wait on this issue.

Yabbies seem to do better alone, no fishy friends, and I can only keep about 20 in this size tank. Even though I've cut and placed assorted PVC pipes for them, there is a limit due to their aggressive and cannibalistic tendencies, so I am investigating some floating trays/baskets to house more.

Now all I have to do is add the "well rinsed" scoria and let the system cycle. This shouldn't take as long as the first stage as all three tanks are connected and the bacteria is already present in two grow beds.
These new beds will be for spring planting of tomatoes, capsicum, strawberries, broccoli, more lettuce, and if room permits I'll try sweet corn.

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