Sunday 12 August 2012

Now planted out, perhaps a bit early, but the weather seems to be improving...

Peas at the back, four different varieties of lettuce, endives in the front and parsley in the centre.

Celery at the back and silverbeet in this growbed.

At the back, leftside is Basil, on the right is Corriander, centre top is garlic chives, centre lower is spring onions with four different heirloom tomatoes, two on each side.

Brussell Sprouts at the back and a mix of Broccolini and Endives 
(Endives are for the budgies and chickens)

The parsley is doing so well I didn't want to move it, so added the strawberries to the centre, Broccolini top left and a grafted passionfruit is on the right.

Again the parsley is doing well so planted a dwarf lemon in the centre, with capsicum middle right and left. Can't quite see it but at the back is Rubarb coming up.

The overall view of the growbeds. You can see the passionfruit in the second growbed on the fence.

The total area is 4.5m long and only 0.5m wide with goldfish, silver perch, trout and yabbies.
Can't wait for October harvest.

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